The Heffner Group was formed in 2000 by Terry Heffner.

Amy Johnson joined the team in 2001 and Hannah Martin in 2019. On top of the three individuals that makeup our dynamic sales team; our office manager Betsy Hanlin and business development coordinator Hannah Reynolds joined in 2023. We work closely with our in-house processors Kali Houdek & Bre Senden, operations manager Diane Bramble and funder Kayleen McClenny. They are all caring, experienced professionals who remain informed and involved throughout the entire loan process and thereafter. Together we have formed a team that strives to consistently create a positive client experience.

We are passionate about what we do! We help our clients achieve the American dream of owning their own home, and we take that responsibility very seriously. Since 2000 our team has helped more than 4,000 homeowners buy homes for over $600 million closed. We are in the top 1% of Originators nationwide, and have our returning clients largely to thank for that.

Terry Heffner

NMLS# 95796

District Manager & Loan Officer

Amy Johnson

NMLS# 97135

Loan Partner

Hannah Martin

NMLS# 1858392

Loan Partner

Hannah Reynolds

Business Development Coordinator

Betsy Hanlin

Office Manager